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Welcome to Calvary Episcopal Church

Are you planning a visit to Calvary?  Here is some information to acquaint you with our Sunday services.

Upon arriving

Parking is available on Thompson Rd. (FM 762) in front of the church, as well as on Austin Street, along the street and in an adjacent parking lot.  There are several designated handicapped spaces.   Wheelchair access is available through the doors into the Parish Hall on Austin Street, and through the front doors on Thompson Rd.

PARDON OUR DUST!  We are temporarily worshipping in the Parish Hall because of major renovations to the Sanctuary.  Travis Street parking, while available, is less convenient to the Parish Hall and requires walking through the courtyard.

Our nursery, located inside the Austin Street entrance, is available for both the 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM services for infants through Age 3.

Greeters will be at the rear of the Parish Hall to greet you.  They can answer questions, provide directions, and will have the Sunday service bulletin.  They will help you with nametags. We ask that you wear one so that we may better assist you and get to know you- we will not single you out or embarrass you.  If you are interested in learning more about Calvary or being added to the church mailing list, there are visitor cards you can complete.

During the service

The service bulletin is a complete guide to the service, including the words of the liturgy, the scripture lessons and music. If you are unsure what to do, please do whatever you are comfortable with, or someone sitting near you will be glad to help.

Children’s Chapel takes place during the 10:30 service for children Aged 4 to Grade 6.  The children will be invited by the Rector to follow the cross into their meeting space for their own order of worship.  They will return in time to exchange the peace and share in the Eucharist.

Holy Communion is celebrated at every service. All who desire a closer relationship with God are invited to receive.  You may elect to receive the wafer and wine, or just receive a blessing.

After the Service

Please join us for fellowship time after each service.  After the 8:00 AM service there is coffee and donuts (and sometimes the youth make breakfast!); and lemonade and cookies after 10:30 AM.  Allow us this extra opportunity to say hello and share information about Calvary.

Again, welcome!

Calvary welcomes and embraces all who join us in doing the work of Christ in our community.

Fellowship and Family Christian Education Worship Outreach

Calvary Episcopal Church & School | 806 Thompson Road | Richmond, Texas 77469 | Office: (281) 342-2147 | School: (281) 342-3161 | Fax: (281) 232-5945

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