Boy Scouts
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
Scouting at Calvary is all about the fun things youth like to do. Yet, it is also about using those fun activities to teach the youth life skills, leadership, ethics, "reverence for God" and more. Yes, Scouting is a big game, a fun game, but a game with a purpose. Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts, believed that if, "…a boy can do it, an adult should not." From this premise, the leadership of the Cub Pack and Troop at Calvary work to bring the youth in their organizations to independence and true self-confidence as they progress through the advancement program.
Pack 1000 is one of the strongest Cub Scout Packs in the Brazos District. Boys and their parents participate in a wide range of fun activities as they progress through the Cub Scout advancement program. Calvary's Pack 1000 Scouts range from first grade Tiger Cubs to 2nd Year Webelos ready to join the ranks of the Boy Scout Troop.
For more information on Pack 1000 contact the Cub Master Lori Lee at
Troop 1000 is the fastest growing Boy Scout Troop in the Brazos District with exciting programs designed by the boys for the boys. This "boy-lead" concept, the goal of every Troop, enables young men to lead, make decisions, budget and plan for the events. It is through these experiences they gain a greater understanding of themselves.
For information on Troop 1000 contact Scoutmaster Bryan Moss at
Troop 100 is the newest troop here at Calvary. Troop 100 is an all girls troop and range from 11-18 years of age and they meet on Mondays at 7pm at Calvary. For more information on Troop 100 contact Scout Master Angie Siders at
Flags information for Dell Webb residents only: Contact: Matt Blust 832-841-9928 or
Flag information for parts of Pecan Grove and all of Greatwood contact:
Paul Wehner at