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Friends of North Richmond

"And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God and the Father by him"   Colossians 3:17

The Friends of North Richmond (FONR) is a grass roots initiative of Attack Poverty, and Calvary participates with them in a host of community projects.

The Preston Street Community Garden  - Members of Calvary, including the school students and scouts, share in the work of planting and harvesting fresh fruits and vegetables, many of which are donated to local charities.  This is a year-round effort and requires lots of hands toiling in the soil!

Home repair – FONR funds home repairs to properties that have suffered from weather-related damage.  Members of Calvary help with the repair work, or perhaps prepare a meal for the workers.

After school youth programs – The “You Can” Academy is an after-school program providing tutoring and support for elementary students from local schools held at the FONR facility.

Mission Week – FONR host an annual “Mission Week” in the summer, offering a variety of programs, crafts, and fun for the entire family.  Calvary takes this opportunity to host Vacation Bible School for the dozens of neighborhood kids who come out. Volunteers read Bible stories, lead songs, and have crafts. 

Friends of North Richmond Phone: 281-762-2068 Office: 1305 Clay Rd. Richmond, TX 77469 Hours: M-F 9-5 Web:

Calvary welcomes and embraces all who join us in doing the work of Christ in our community.

Fellowship and Family Christian Education Worship Outreach

Calvary Episcopal Church & School | 806 Thompson Road | Richmond, Texas 77469 | Office: (281) 342-2147 | School: (281) 342-3161 |

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