Celebrating our Legacy & Building our Future
Celebrating A Legacy….Building Our Future
More than 160 years ago, the founders of Calvary Episcopal Church, following God’s plan steadfast in their vision, laid the building blocks for a church formed in love with a commitment to service. Now it is our imperative to honor their legacy, treasure the many generations that have called Calvary home, and faithfully move forward to fortify those building blocks for God’s future plans to unfold, continuing to send Calvary’s light into the community.
In February Calvary launched its Capital Campaign to fund the Sanctuary renovation. The church renovation committee, working with the architectural firm Merriman Holt Powell, recommended a plan to the Vestry that totals $2.4M.
We have revised our small meeting schedule. We are now offering three opportunities for you to meet with members of the Capital Campaign and Renovation Committees at the church. The Saturday evening meeting will be in the Sanctuary after service and the Sunday meetings will be in Solarium. Dates are Saturday, Feb. 25, and Sunday, Feb. 26 and March 5. No need to sign up.
We have also developed some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about the Capital Campaign, which we hope you will find helpful. Click
We need you to help meet our goal! There will be regular communications to keep you up to date. You will receive a pledge card soon. Gifts may be given during the campaign, or you may choose to make a pledge for up to three years to make your contribution. The campaign will end in May and, together, we’ll share a celebratory time. I know we can do this!
Thank you for Celebrating Our Legacy and Building for the Future.
Bob Todor
Campaign Chair